Unlock all Special Tensai Jounin Stage and Instant Complete Exam


*download and install fiddler2: --> Fiddler Web Debugger - Freeware HTTP(S) debugging tool
*dowload this swf files: --> http://nhilvs.webs.com/tensai.rar

*open ns first
*then play your character
*clear CACHE -------------> CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE
*open fiddler2
*tick "auto responder"
*tick "enable automatic responses"
*tick "unmatched requests passthrough"
*then drag all files in the box
*open Special Tensai Jounin Icon

Better to publish all of what you've done...
After you finish those missions close the fiddler2
Clear CACHE in your browser
Then Refresh...

You'll be acquire Special Tensai Jounin badge even if you'll not playing NS for a month ^^
Or if you're afraid of being banned even if this is not, just do the required mission as of today ^^
It's safe

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